Select ratingGive How much of your income comes from incentive-based pay such as tips, commission or bonuses? 1/5Give How much of your income comes from incentive-based pay such as tips, commission or bonuses? 2/5Give How much of your income comes from incentive-based pay such as tips, commission or bonuses? 3/5Give How much of your income comes from incentive-based pay such as tips, commission or bonuses? 4/5Give How much of your income comes from incentive-based pay such as tips, commission or bonuses? 5/5 More than 80% -200% (-2 votes) 60 to 79% 0% (0 votes) 40 to 59% 0% (0 votes) 20 to 39% 0% (0 votes) Less than 20% 0% (0 votes) Total votes: -2 Copyright